Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Search results for: “between two worlds”

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    Little Public Support for Reductions in Federal Spending

    When Americans are asked to make up the budget for the federal government, they have little appetite for austerity measures. Asked about 13 different government program areas, from veterans benefits to foreign aid, no more than about a quarter favor reducing spending in any specific area. The survey by Pew Research Center, conducted March 20-25 […]

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    The Generation Gap in American Politics

    Generational differences have long been a factor in U.S. politics. These divisions are now as wide as they have been in decades, with the potential to shape politics well into the future.

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    The World Facing Trump: Public Sees ISIS, Cyberattacks, North Korea as Top Threats

    Survey Report When he takes office next week, President-elect Donald Trump will inherit an array of global threats in the view of the public. About eight-in-ten Americans (79%) say ISIS poses a major threat to the well-being of the United States, and 71% say the same about cyberattacks from other countries. Nearly two-thirds (64%) view […]

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    Public Uncertain, Divided Over America’s Place in the World

    The public views America’s role in the world with considerable apprehension and concern. In fact, most Americans say it would be better if the U.S. just dealt with its own problems and let other countries deal with their own problems as best they can.

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    Views of Government’s Handling of Terrorism Fall to Post-9/11 Low

    Survey Report Following the terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Calif., the public’s concerns about terrorism have surged and positive ratings of the government’s handling of terrorism have plummeted. But other attitudes relating to terrorism and security, as well as perceptions of whether Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence, have […]

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    Growing Support for Campaign Against ISIS – and Possible Use of U.S. Ground Troops

    Survey Report The public has grown more supportive of the U.S. fight against ISIS, as about twice as many approve (63%) as disapprove (30%) of the military campaign against the Islamic militant group in Iraq and Syria. Last October, 57% approved and 33% disapproved. The possibility of sending U.S. ground troops to the region is […]