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Search results for: “Gay Marriage and Homosexuality”

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    The Generation Gap in American Politics

    Generational differences have long been a factor in U.S. politics. These divisions are now as wide as they have been in decades, with the potential to shape politics well into the future.

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    Same-Sex Marriage Detailed Tables

    Return to the full report → NET Favor % Strongly favor % Favor % NET Oppose % Oppose % Strongly oppose % (VOL.) DK/Ref % (N) Unweighted Count TOTAL 57 28 28 39 18 21 5 2002 GENDER Men 53 24 29 42 19 23 5 1088 Women 60 32 27 35 17 18 5 […]

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    For 2016 Hopefuls, Washington Experience Could Do More Harm than Good

    Survey Report As the 2016 presidential campaign begins to take shape, Washington experience has become less of a potential asset for those seeking the White House. A new national survey testing candidate traits finds that 30% would be less likely to support a candidate with “many years” of experience as an elected official in Washington, […]

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    Changing Attitudes on Same Sex Marriage, Gay Friends and Family

    As support for gay marriage continues to grow, 72% of Americans say that legal recognition of same-sex marriage is “inevitable.” This includes 85% of gay marriage supporters, as well as 59% of its opponents. The new survey by the Pew Research Center finds that, for the first time, just over half (51%) the public favors […]

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    Whither the GOP? Republicans Want Change, But Split over Party’s Direction

    Overview Coming off of two consecutive presidential election defeats, most Republican voters believe that their party must address major problems to be more competitive in the future. And roughly six-in-ten say improved messaging alone will not be enough – the GOP also needs to reconsider some of its positions. Yet while Republicans may agree on […]

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    Growing Support for Gay Marriage: Changed Minds and Changing Demographics

    Overview The rise in support for same-sex marriage over the past decade is among the largest changes in opinion on any policy issue over this time period. A new national survey finds that much of the shift is attributable to the arrival of a large cohort of young adults – the Millennial generation – who […]

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    Growing Public Support for Same-Sex Marriage

    UPDATED FEBRUARY 16, 2012, WITH MORE COMPLETE DATA. As courts and legislatures address the question of whether same-sex couples should be allowed to legally marry, public support for gay marriage continues to grow. Polls in 2011 by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press found that an average of 46% favor allowing […]

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    Most Say Homosexuality Should Be Accepted By Society

    While the public is divided over same-sex marriage, a majority of Americans (58%) say that homosexuality should be accepted, rather than discouraged, by society. Among younger people in particular, there is broad support for societal acceptance of homosexuality. More than six-in-ten (63%) of those younger than 50 – 69% of those younger than 30 – […]