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Turkish Accession to the EU

Pew Forum and Pew Research Center Resources

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This month the European Union will enter into membership negotiations with Turkey, a country whose population is almost entirely Muslim. This critical venture brings to the forefront profound questions about the cultural and religious identity of Europe, and of Islam’s place on the continent.

The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life has collected a variety of resources capturing the political and cultural significance of this historic event. The resources include links to Pew Forum and Pew Research Center reports, transcripts and polls, as well as links to timely research and writing from a variety of opinion shapers in the news media and other accredited institutions.

Pew Forum and Pew Research Center Resources

Report: An Uncertain Road: Muslims and the Future of Europe

Poll Report: Islamic Extremism: Common Concern for Muslim and Western Publics

Event Transcript: Does “Muslim” Turkey Belong in “Christian” Europe?

Question & Answer: Vatican Foreign Policy in the New Pontificate


Brussels to give Turkey torture deadline (Financial Times)

Selling Turkey (International Herald Tribune)

E.U. Opens Historic Talks on Membership for Turkey (Wash Post)

EU breakthrough on Turkey (Guardian)

European Talks on Turkey Stall as Austria Insists on Lesser Role (Reuters)

Bitter Debate Over Turkey’s EU Bid (Christian Science Monitor)

Essay: Bordering on What? (New York Times)

Essay: Faith, Hope and Parity (Financial Times)

A Bridge Between Two Cultures, Two Continents and Two Futures (The Times)

Brutality, Poverty and Religion Stand Between Turkey and EU (The Times)

Opinion: Jack Straw: Shift Europe’s Boundary (International Herald Tribune)

In Turkey, a Clash of Nationalism and History (Washington Post)

Opinion: Regime Change, European-style, is a Measure of Our Civilisation (Guardian)

Turkey’s EU quest gains favour in Middle East (Reuters)

Protestors Denounce Conference in Turkey (Washington Post)

Turkish Campaign Seeks to Educate Girls (Associated Press)

Let’s Not Talk Turkey (The Weekly Standard)

When to Talk Turkey (Economist)

EU Talks on Turkey Threatened by Disputes (International Herald Tribune)

Opinion: Faith in Europe (The Economist)

Other Resources

Report: Turkey in Europe: More than a Promise? (Report of the Independent Commission on Turkey)

Report: International Religious Freedom Report 2004, Turkey (U.S. Department of State)

Event Transcript: Religion, Secularism, and the End of the West (University of Virginia)

Event Transcipt: A Conversation with Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Council on Foreign Relations)

The Washington Institute on Near East Policy Turkish Research Program

European Enlargement: Relations with Turkey

Turkish Daily News (Turkish English daily)

Zaman (Turkish daily)

Turkish Press (online Turkish news source)

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