Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

December 2015 Political Survey

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    As Election Year Nears, Public Sees Mixed Economic Picture

    Survey Report The public’s views of the nation’s economy have shown little change throughout 2015. But Americans are less optimistic about how well the economy will fare over the next year than they were last January. Currently, 45% rate economic conditions as only fair, while 27% view them as excellent or good, and about the […]

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    Views of Government’s Handling of Terrorism Fall to Post-9/11 Low

    Survey Report Following the terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Calif., the public’s concerns about terrorism have surged and positive ratings of the government’s handling of terrorism have plummeted. But other attitudes relating to terrorism and security, as well as perceptions of whether Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence, have […]

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