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Search results for: “affordable care act”

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    Majority Says Any Budget Deal Must Include Planned Parenthood Funding

    Survey Report With the prospect of a government shutdown apparently decreasing, the public by a wide margin says that any congressional budget agreement must maintain funding for Planned Parenthood. The latest national poll by the Pew Research Center, conducted Sept. 22-27 among 1,502 adults, finds that 60% say that any budget deal must maintain funding for […]

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    Views of Supreme Court Little Changed as Major Rulings Loom

    As the Supreme Court’s decisions on subjects as same-sex marriage, the death penalty and the Affordable Care Act loom, half of Americans have a favorable opinion of the court, while 39% say they have an unfavorable view.

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    Campaign 2016: Modest Interest, High Stakes

    Survey Report The 2016 presidential campaign has gotten off to a slow start with voters. A majority of registered voters (58%) say they have given at least some thought to candidates who may run for president in 2016, but that is 10 points lower than at a comparable point in the 2008 campaign – the […]

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    Shifting Views of Supreme Court’s Ideology among Liberals, Conservatives

    Survey Report Overall views of the U.S. Supreme Court – and its ideology – have changed only modestly since last measured in April before the court’s end-of-term decisions, including the Hobby Lobby ruling that limits the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive requirement. But among liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans there have been sizable changes in opinions […]