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Shooting Rampage Returns Focus to Afghanistan

PEJ News Coverage Index March 12-18, 2012

The Project for Excellence in Journalism did not publish a news index report this week. However, the data is available here.

Top Ten Story Data: March 12-18, 2012

Overall (All 5 Sectors)

Rank Story Percent of Newshole
1 2012 Presidential Election 23%
2 Afghanistan 19
3 Economy 6
4 Gas/Oil Prices 4
5 Middle East Unrest 3
6 Health Care Debate 3
7 China 3
8 Apple News 2
9 Iran 2


Rank Story Percent of Newshole
1 Afghanistan 20%
2 2012 Presidential Election 16
3 Economy 9
4 China 5
5 Middle East Unrest 5
6 Gas/Oil Prices 3
7 NCAA Basketball Tournament 3
8 Global Warming 2
9 US Airline Industry 2


Rank Story Percent of Newshole
1 Afghanistan 20%
2 2012 Presidential Election 18
3 China 5
4 Apple News 4
5 Economy 4
6 Middle East Unrest 3
7 Gas/Oil Prices 3
8 Japan Quake/Tsunami 3
9 Mexican Drug War 2

Network TV

Rank Story Percent of Newshole
1 Afghanistan 22%
2 2012 Presidential Election 14
3 Economy 10
4 Japan Quake/Tsunami 3
5 Global Warming 3
6 Gas/Oil Prices 3
7 Conflict in Sudan/Darfur 3
8 Michigan Tornadoes 2
9 Middle East Unrest 2

Cable TV

Rank Story Percent of Newshole
1 2012 Presidential Election 36%
2 Afghanistan 20
3 Health Care Debate 7
4 Iran 4
5 Gas/Oil Prices 4
6 Abortion Controversy 3
7 Middle East Unrest 3
8 Obama Administration 3
9 Conflict in Sudan/Darfur 2


Rank Story Percent of Newshole
1 2012 Presidential Election 38%
2 Afghanistan 12
3 Gas/Oil Prices 8
4 Economy 5
5 Obama Administration 3
6 China 2
7 US Auto Industry 2
8 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 2
9 Pakistan 2
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