Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Quality and the Bottom Line

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Good News for Editors Small, medium papers that invested in newsrooms see higher revenue As part of the first phase of a plan to look at the relationship between journalistic quality and profits, Project for Excellence in Journalism director Tom Rosenstiel presented initial data at the American Society of Newspaper Editors convention in New Orleans on April 9, 2003

The presentation also included the following remarks:

Introduction: Why measure quality? From ASNE president Diane McFarlin.

What 35 Years of Academic Research Tells Us On news content quality, newsroom expenditures, circulation/penetration, and revenues. Esther Thorson looks at the research. All of it.

News Staffing and Profits The business case for better journalism. Rick Edmonds writes about staffing and news capacity.

Finding the ‘Sweet Spot’ Newsroom staffing can haunt profitability when too low or too high. Phil Meyer correlates quality to economic performance.

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