Datasets are identified by report title, the survey name on the questionnaire accompanying each report and report release date. To learn more about the survey and the sample used for each dataset, contact us.
Our data are stored as SPSS .sav files. A complete questionnaire file is also included with each dataset, as is a codebook file that provides details about the variables included in the dataset.
All data files include weight variables that should be used in analysis. See the codebook for details.
The dataset, questionnaire and codebook are all included in a single compressed archive file (.zip file) that may be downloaded and saved on your computer.
All manuscripts, articles, books, and other papers and publications using our data should reference Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public life project as the source of the data and should acknowledge that the Center bears no responsibility for the interpretations presented or conclusions reached based on analysis of the data.
Contact us with any questions concerning the datasets.