Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


  • report

    Views of ISIS Topline

    Survey Topline Survey results are based on national samples. For further details on sample designs, see our international survey methods database. Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. The topline “total” columns show 100% because they are based on unrounded numbers. Not all questions included in the Spring 2015 survey are presented in this topline. Omitted […]

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    Publics Worldwide Support Right to Criticize Their Government

    Publics Worldwide Support Right to Criticize Their Government People should be able to make statements that __ publicly Country Criticize the government’s policies Are offensive to minority groups Are offensive to your religion and beliefs Are sexually explicit Call for violent protests U.S. 95% 67% 77% 52% 44% Canada 93% 52% 64% 37% 29% France […]

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    Support for Press Freedom, but Not on Sensitive National Security Issues

    Media organizations should be able to publish information about … Country Large political protests in our country Economic issues that might destabilize the country’s economy Sensitive issues related to national security U.S. 86% 81% 35% Canada 89% 81% 37% France 78% 77% 46% Germany 87% 72% 48% Italy 87% 74% 58% Poland 90% 78% 76% […]

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    Broad Support for Fundamental Democratic Principles

    Broad Support for Fundamental Democratic Principles Very important that __ in our country Country People can practice religion freely Women have same rights as men Honest elections held regularly w/ choice of at least two parties People can say what they want w/o censorship Media can report news w/o censorship People can use the internet […]

  • feature

    Event: Is the American Public Becoming Less Religious? Is the American public becoming less religious? Yes, at least by some key measures of what it means to be a religious person. An extensive new survey of more than 35,000 U.S. adults finds that the percentages who say they believe in God, pray daily and regularly go to church or other religious services […]

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    The Unique Challenges of Surveying U.S. Latinos

    Surveying Hispanics is complicated for many reasons – language barriers, sampling issues and cultural differences – that are the subject of a growing field of inquiry.