Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

June 21-24 2012 Weekly Survey

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    Partisans Agree: Presidential Election Will Be Exhausting

    Overview Republicans and Democrats find little to agree on these days, but they have some similar reactions to the 2012 presidential campaign. Nearly identical percentages of Republicans and Democrats say the election will be exhausting. On the positive side, there also is widespread partisan agreement that the campaign will be informative. The national survey by […]

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    Division, Uncertainty over Court’s Health Care Ruling

    Overview The public has long been divided in its opinions about the 2010 health care law. There is now a similar division of opinion over last week’s Supreme Court decision to uphold the law – 40% say they disapprove of the decision, while 36% approve and nearly a quarter (24%) offer no opinion. Despite extensive […]

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