Trends in Unauthorized Immigration: Undocumented Inflow Now Trails Legal Inflow
There were 11.9 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States in March 2008. The size of the unauthorized population appears to have declined since 2007.
While short-term changes in immigration flows are difficult to measure, several indicators suggest a possible slackening in migration from Mexico since mid-2006.
The Pew Hispanic Center conducted an unprecedented survey of Mexican migrants in the United States, including thousands who say they have no U.S.-issued identity documents.
The places Latinos live, the jobs they hold, the schooling they complete, the languages they speak, even their attitudes on key political and social issues, are all in flux.
This survey brief compares the views and experiences of Latinos living in five states with large Latino populations. Topics include country of origin, identity, citizenship, politics and discrimination.
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