Teenage Life Online: The Rise of the Networked Generation
This presentation covered our basic findings about how American teenagers use the Internet.
Lee Rainie is the director of internet and technology research at Pew Research Center. Under his leadership, the Center has issued more than 800 reports based on its surveys and data-science analyses that examine people’s online activities and the internet’s role in their lives. The American Sociological Association gave Rainie its award for “excellence in the reporting on social issues” and described his work as the “most authoritative source of reliable data on the use and impact of the internet and mobile connectivity.”
Rainie is a co-author of Networked: The new social operating system and five books about the future of the internet that are drawn from the Center’s research. He regularly speaks to government officials, media outlets and leaders, scholars and students, technology executives, librarians, civic and nonprofit groups about the changing media ecosystem.
Prior to launching Pew Research Center’s technology research, Rainie was managing editor of U.S. News & World Report.
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