A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers.
Politics Americans’ top policy priorities for 2014, Pew Research Center Where Americans stand on key issues, FactTank Washington leaders start year in weak position, ABC News/ Washington Post Negative views of health rollout ease; consumers still skeptical, with topline, AP/ GfK
Economy Home sales rose 16% in 2013, Census Bureau HHS releases poverty guidelines for 2014, Kaiser Health News Nielsen: Internet advertising grew 32% in 2013, but still far behind TV, TechCrunch Does greater inequality lead to more household borrowing? NBER Unemployment down in most states, but earnings growth is patchy, Urban Institute Labor force statistics on older Americans, Urban Institute How — and where — LBJ fought the War on Poverty, NBER
Health & Society Whatever happened to the Class of 2004? National Journal Measles, other preventable diseases making big comeback, CFR (also NPR) Clusters of affluence in San Francisco, Chris Walker U.S. population growth and migration sputter, yet again, Brookings Residents of poor nations see greater meaning in life, Harvard Business Review
International Percent in Americas reporting their neighborhood is affected by gangs, LAPOP Youth employment in sub-Saharan Africa, World Bank Views from around the globe: How personal technology is changing our lives, Microsoft Korea-EU business demography, Eurostat Entrepreneurial ecosystems around the globe, World Economic Forum How the shared economy is changing Europe’s car rental market, Timetric
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