Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


  • report

    A Beltway Realignment Tops the News

    For much of last week, the dominant topic in the news was the installation of a new Congress as well as its impact on politics, public policy and the Obama administration. But over the weekend, an attack that occurred about 2,000 miles from Washington D.C. quickly commandeered the attention of the media and the nation.

  • short reads

    Pay for Online Content

    Nearly two thirds of internet users have paid to download or access some kind of online content, ranging from music to games to news articles.

  • short reads

    Pocket-Sized Politics

    About a quarter of Americans used their cell phones to learn about or participate in the 2010 midterm election campaign.

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    Boomers and Social Change

    Members of the Baby Boom generation align more closely with younger generations than with older ones on most social issues.

  • short reads

    Boomer Gloom

    Fully 80% of Baby Boomers say they are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country today.