Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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    From News Interest To Lifestyles, Energy Takes Hold

    Introduction and Summary Rising energy costs are having a major impact on how Americans are living their lives, affecting everything from their driving habits to the news stories they follow. More than two-thirds say they have been adjusting their thermostats to cope with soaring utility bills, and half report cutting back on driving to save […]

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    The Internet, Cities and Civil Society

    The city, the Internet, and civil society are three things that together might seem a little incongruous. The city is a physical place that remains an important part of modern society, not withstanding prophecies that communications technology will render cities irrelevant. Civil society is in some ways an ideal, a place where “citizens are active, […]

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    No Consensus on the Census

    Introduction and Summary Dramatic increases in both the size and ethnic diversity of America’s population, reflected in the 2000 census, are drawing a mixed reaction from the public. Consistent with a long-term rise in favorable attitudes toward immigrants, more people say today’s immigrants are better able to adapt to American life than did so four […]

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    The Declining Support For Executions

    Rising public opposition to the death penalty has been one of the few liberal social trends in recent years. But there is some reason to wonder whether the public’s overwhelming enthusiasm for executing Timothy McVeigh will stall or possibly reverse this development. Every nationwide poll taken has found the vast majority of Americans favoring the […]

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    Charity Tax Credits: Federal Policy and Three Leading States

    Washington, D.C. Charity Tax Credits: Federal Policy and Three Leading States, paper presented by Margy Waller, Former White House Senior Advisor for Welfare and Working Families Discussants: Mark Anderson, Arizona State Representative (R) Robert Boisture, Counsel, Independent Sector, and Member, Caplin & Drysdale Sharon Daly, Vice President for Social Policy, Catholic Charities USA Michael J. […]

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    Human Cloning: Religious Perspectives

    Washington, D.C. Discussants: Robert Best, President, Culture of Life Foundation, Inc. Dr. Nigel Cameron, Dean, The Wilberforce Forum, and Chair, Advisory Board for the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity Abdulaziz Sachedina, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Virginia Rabbi Moses D. Tendler, Rabbi Isaac and Bella Tendler Professor of Jewish Medical Ethics and Professor […]

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    Religious Perspectives Differ On Research and Human Cloning

    In response to the recent introduction of legislation in Congress to prohibit human cloning, the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life hosted a “rapid response” discussion of religious perspectives on the issue. Forum Co-Chair Jean Bethke Elshtain explained that the purpose was to allow scientific experts “to address the ethical underpinnings their own religious […]