Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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    50% of Hispanic Adults Now are Online

    (Washington) ­ Half of Hispanic adults use the Internet and email, according to a survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project. The online Hispanic population grew 25% over a period of twelve months, as young people, women, and those from modest income households flocked online. The ongoing survey work of the Pew Internet […]

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    La Mitad de la Comunidad Hispana Esta en Linea

    (Washington) – La mitad de la comunidad Hispana adulta utiliza Internet y correo electrónico, según una encuesta realizada por el Pew Internet & American Life Project. La comunidad cibernética Hispana creció 25% en un periodo de doce meses, mientras que jóvenes, mujeres y aquellos de modestos recursos económicos, se conectaron al Internet. La encuesta realizada […]

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    Laura and Hillary Polls Apart

    Introduction and Summary Six months into her husband’s presidency, Laura Bush has made a positive impression on the American public. A strong majority (64%) has a favorable opinion of the first lady, and most approve of the way she’s handling her job. Although her predecessor, Hillary Clinton, drew a comparable favorability rating of 60% at […]

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    The Tabloid Public Is Not the Majority

    The country has been inundated with news about Chandra Levy, the missing Washington intern. The coverage has seemed almost nonstop on cable television news, and the story has been Topic A on the chat shows. Even Dan Rather, who had resisted covering what he considered a tabloid story, had to give in and let his […]

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    Missing Intern Stirs Media Frenzy, Lukewarm Public Interest

    Introduction and Summary Despite the news media’s intense focus on the disappearance of Chandra Levy and her relationship with Rep. Gary Condit, public interest in the story is relatively low, particularly when compared to other celebrity scandal cases in recent years that have attracted massive media attention. The latest Pew Research Center survey, conducted July […]

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    Do people spend more or less time online nowadays?

    EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE AT 6 P.M. (EASTERN), MONDAY, JULY 16, 2001 (Washington) — Survey work by the Pew Internet & American Life Project has found that there is considerable variation in the Internet population about how much time people spend online. Overall, online Americans who are using the Internet more make up a greater proportion […]

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    Economic Inequality Seen As Rising, Boom Bypasses Poor

    Introduction and Summary As the 90’s economic boom fades into history, one of its legacies is the increasing number of Americans who see society as divided between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots.’ More than four-in-ten (44%) now believe the nation is split along these lines, compared to just 26% who felt that way in 1988, […]