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Search results for: “trust”

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    Mexicans Back Military Campaign Against Cartels

    As Felipe Calderón’s term as Mexico’s president draws to a close, Mexicans continue to strongly back his policy of deploying the military to combat the country’s powerful drug cartels, despite public unease about the moral cost of the drug war. Meanwhile, a majority of Mexicans say they have a positive opinion of the U.S.

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    China Seen Overtaking U.S. as Global Superpower

    The United States continues to receive positive ratings in much of the world, but it faces the new challenge of doubts about its superpower status. Publics around the world increasingly believe that China either will replace or already has replaced the U.S. as the world’s leading superpower.

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    Obama’s Middle East Problem

    While global publics largely take a positive view of President Obama, he receives his lowest marks on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – and his ratings are especially poor in the Arab nations of the Middle East.