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Search results for: “topics pollings 2007”

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    The Impact Of “Cell-Onlys” On Public Opinion Polling

    Summary of Findings The proportion of Americans who rely solely on a cell phone for their telephone service continues to grow, as does the share who still have a landline phone but do most of their calling on their cell phone. With these changes, there is an increased concern that polls conducted only on landline […]

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    Clinton is the Big Winner Last Week in the Race for Coverage

    John McCain and Hillary Clinton both walked away with crucial New Hampshire victories but the Arizona Republican trailed the New York Democrat badly in the battle for media attention. And why the media treated Mike Huckabee’s third-place finish much differently than John Edwards’.

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    Mike Huckabee Gets His Media Close-Up

    The unlikely surge of former Arkansas Governor helped generate the biggest week of coverage for the presidential campaign so far in 2007. But as Huckabee is learning, some media attention is more welcome than others. Plus, the Mitchell report turns steroid abuse in baseball into a front-page story—some might say at long last.

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    The Talkers Hammer Hillary Clinton

    Thanks in part to the Democrats’ spirited debate in Philadelphia, last week was the biggest week of the year for the presidential campaign in the universe of radio and cable talk shows. The main course was the Democratic front runner who got carved up by hosts and pundits of various political stripes.

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    Rock ’em, Sock ’em Republicans Fuel Big Week of Campaign Coverage

    The increasingly heated exchanges between Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney helped make the race for the White House the top story last week in PEJ’s Index of the news. On the Democratic side, a former President generated a good chunk of the coverage, and it wasn’t all good. That, plus a football murder case.

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    Obama, Huckabee, and a Feisty Philly Face Off

    The presidential race was easily the biggest story in the media last week. But while much of the coverage focused on the attacks on Hillary Clinton at the Democrats’ Drexel University debate, the press also reassessed several other candidates.

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    Gotcha and Mini-Scandals Fuel the Year’s Biggest Campaign Week

    Planted questions, the B-word, and an embarrassing indictment were all fodder for journalists covering the revved up race for the White House last week. In Pakistan, a national crisis turns personal in the media. And cable news’ favorite celebrity defendant.

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    With Petraeus as Star, Iraq Debate has its Biggest Week

    The general’s appearance before Congress last week was widely expected to be a pivot point in the political brawl over Iraq war policy. The media swarmed, but the story they told may help explain why David Petraeus’s testimony seemed, for now, to cement the status quo.

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    A Message From Osama Puts Terror in the News

    The political skirmishing in advance of General Petraeus’ progress report made the Iraq debate the top story last week. And Fred Thompson’s entry helped generate coverage of the 2008 Presidential race. But a new video, a major arrest in Germany, and two mysterious men in Seattle proved why terrorism is still a major newsmaker.