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Search results for: “quiz”

  • quiz

    Political Party Quiz

    Answer 11 questions and find out where you fit on the partisan political spectrum. And see how you compare with other Americans by age, race, religion and gender.

  • report

    How we placed you

    The Political Party scale was determined by selecting a set of questions from Pew Research Center’s March 2016 political survey representing a range of policy issues and political values that are each consistently associated with party identification. A logistic regression, a technique employed to estimate the independent contribution of multiple factors in predicting a particular […]

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    What the Public Knows — In Pictures, Words, Maps and Graphs

    Survey Report Before you read the report, test your own News IQ by taking the interactive knowledge quiz. The short quiz tests your knowledge of questions recently asked in a national poll. After completing the quiz, you can compare your score with the general public and with people like yourself. Take the Quiz The latest […]

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    From ISIS to Unemployment: What Do Americans Know?

    The latest Pew Research Center News IQ quiz measures the public’s awareness of key facts in the news: from questions about conflicts around the world to the current minimum wage and the chairman of the Federal Reserve.

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    Share the Political Typology Quiz With Your Class or Group

    This page includes sample language for sharing your political typology quiz with your students, community or other group, including sample language for email and social media sharing. The sample text included on this page is entirely optional; we provide it only for your convenience. No matter how you share your quiz with your class or community, be sure to use either your […]

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    Political Typology Quiz Help Center

    This page provides resources to help you create and share the Pew Research Center’s political typology quiz with your students or community group. Below are links to step-by-step instructions for creating your own version of the quiz, as well as answers to frequently asked questions and tips for sharing the quiz with your group. If […]

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    Take Your Classroom Beyond Red vs. Blue

    The Pew Research Center’s Political Typology sorts voters into cohesive groups based on their political attitudes and values. The 2014 Typology, the sixth of its kind, has eight groups – from Solid Liberals and Steadfast Conservatives, to groups that hold more mixed ideological views, such as the Young Outsiders and Hard-Pressed Skeptics. Educators have often used […]