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Search results for: “partisan divide”

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    Egyptians Increasingly Glum

    Overview Two years after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian public mood is increasingly negative. Month after month of political uncertainty, a weak economy and often violent street protests have taken their toll, and today a majority of Egyptians are dissatisfied with the way their new democracy is working. Only 30% of Egyptians think […]

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    Post-election America still divided

    The election is over. The voters have spoken. But those who thought that a clear-cut verdict in the recent presidential election would finally break the partisan deadlock in Washington may find themselves disappointed.

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    The U.S. Fiscal Cliff Redux

    At the turn of the year the United States avoided careening over a fiscal cliff – which would have triggered recession-inducing automatic tax increases and spending cuts – by passing legislation that raised some taxes, but did little to cut spending.

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    Obama has a mandate. Sort of.

    Obama now has a mandate to govern. But his mandate domestically, and internationally, on specific issues is far from clear.