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Search results for: “medicare”

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    In Deficit Debate, Public Resists Cuts in Entitlements and Aid to Poor

    Survey Report As President Obama prepares to sign a bipartisan budget agreement that its proponents describe as a modest step toward addressing the deficit, the public shows little appetite for making some of the spending cuts often discussed as part of a broader “grand bargain” on the budget. The latest national survey by the Pew […]

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    Beard, John R., Simon Biggs, David E. Bloom, Linda P. Fried, Paul Hogan, Alexandre Kalache and S. Jay Olshansky, eds. Global Population Ageing: Peril or Promise? Geneva: World Economic Forum (2011). Bloom, David E., David Canning and Günther Fink. “Implications of Population Aging for Economic Growth,” National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 16705 […]

  • report

    Public Registers Bumpy Launch of Health Care Exchange Websites

    Survey Report A few weeks after the launch of the state-level online health insurance exchanges that are a cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act, the public’s impression is that it has been a bumpy launch. About three-in-ten Americans (29%) say the online health insurance exchanges are working very or fairly well while 46% say they […]