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Search results for: “income calculator.”

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    A Portrait of Jewish Americans

    American Jews overwhelmingly say they are proud to be Jewish and have a strong sense of belonging to the Jewish people, but their identity is also changing: 22% of American Jews now say they have no religion.

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    Faith and the Public Dialogue: A Conversation with Sen. John Kerry

    Washington, D.C. The Pew Forum invited Mass. Sen. John Kerry to discuss the propriety of public inquiry into politicians’ religious beliefs and how those beliefs influence candidates’ views on the issues of the day. Kerry, a 2004 presidential candidate, also addressed the role of faith in presidential campaigns, his perspective on religion in the 2008 […]

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    Is There a Global Resurgence of Religion?

    National Press Club Washington, D.C. At a time when some analysts see a worldwide resurgence of religion, University of Michigan Research Professor Ronald Inglehart says the picture is more complex. The Pew Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations hosted a presentation by Inglehart, who chairs the World Values Survey, an investigation by a global […]

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    Lifting Up the Poor: A Dialogue on Religion, Poverty and Welfare Reform

    10:00am-Noon National Press Club Washington, D.C. Featured Speakers Include: Mary Jo Bane, Thornton Bradshaw Professor of Public Policy and Management, Harvard University; Co-Chair, Working Group on Welfare Reform (Clinton Administration) Lawrence M. Mead, Professor of Politics, New York University; Former Visiting Fellow, the Hoover Institution, Stanford University Moderators: E.J. Dionne, Jr. , Senior Fellow, Governance […]

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    Theology, Morality, and Public Life

    Conference will take place Wed and Thurs, Feb 26-27 University of Chicago Divinity School Chicago, Illinois Professor Elshtain: Good afternoon, I want to welcome you to this conference, to this event and to the Divinity School and to Swift Hall at the University of Chicago. I want first to acknowledge the PEW Forum Staff which […]