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Search results for: “election”

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    Faith and the 2016 Campaign

    GOP contender Donald Trump is not widely viewed as religious, even among Republicans. And the share of Americans who say Hillary Clinton is not a religious person has risen sharply since she first ran for president eight years ago.

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    How the Faithful Voted: 2014 Preliminary Analysis

    Exit poll data from the 2014 midterm elections finds the GOP made inroads among some religious constituencies that traditionally have not been as supportive of Republican candidates.

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    Election 2012 Post Mortem: White Evangelicals and Support for Romney

    Leading up to the election, there was speculation about how strongly white evangelical Protestants would support a Mormon candidate. According to a new Pew Research Center analysis of exit poll data, white evangelicals voted for Mitt Romney with as much enthusiasm as his other supporters did.

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    Latinos, Religion and Campaign 2012

    Latinos are divided by religion in their preferences in the upcoming presidential election. Three-quarters of Latino Catholics and eight-in-ten religiously unaffiliated Latinos support President Barack Obama’s re-election.