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Search results for: “education”

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    Iraq Prison Scandal Hits Home, But Most Reject Troop Pullout

    Summary of Findings Public satisfaction with national conditions has fallen to 33%, its lowest level in eight years, in the wake of revelations of prisoner abuse committed by U.S. soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. President Bush’s overall job approval rating also has dropped into negative territory: 44% approve of his job performance, while […]

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    News Audiences Increasingly Politicized

    Overview Despite tumultuous events abroad, the public’s news habits have been relatively stable over the past two years. Yet modest growth has continued in two important areas online news and cable news. Regarding the latter, the expanding audience for the Fox News Channel stands out. Since 2000, the number of Americans who regularly watch Fox […]

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    Bush Ratings Rise Even as Iraq Concerns Continue

    Summary of Findings President Bush’s approval ratings have improved over the month of April even as Americans continue to express strong concerns about Iraq and the way the president is handling that situation. The latest nationwide survey by the Pew Research Center finds 48% approving and 43% disapproving of Bush’s overall job performance. This is […]

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    Is the Market Moral? A Dialogue on Religion, Economics & Justice

    2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Reception Immediately Following Washington, D.C. Panelists: Rebecca M. Blank, Dean, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy; Professor of Policy and Economics, University of Michigan; Co-director of the National Poverty Center, Ford School William McGurn, Chief Editorial Writer, Wall Street Journal; member, Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Lawrence Mishel, President, Economic […]

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    One Electorate Under God? A Dialogue on Religion and American Politics

    10:30am-Noon Washington, D.C. Speakers: Congressman David Price (D-NC) Congressman Mark Souder (R-IN) David Brooks, columnist, The New York Times; Contributing Editor, Newsweek E.J. Dionne, Jr., Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution; columnist, Washington Post Writers Group Moderator: Luis Lugo, Director, The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life LUIS LUGO: Good morning, and thank you all […]

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    Pew Hispanic Center/Kaiser Family Foundation National Survey Of Latinos

    National Survey of Latinos: Education is a new comprehensive survey of Latino attitudes toward education, public schools and a variety of education issues, including the No Child Left Behind Act. This national survey is released against the backdrop of major changes in the nation’s K-12 system as states and school districts apply sweeping new federal requirements. Conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center and the Kaiser Family Foundation, the survey includes substantial comparison samples of whites and African Americans.

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    Broadband Adoption at Home Grows Strongly in Winter Months of 2003 & 2004

    55% of Internet Users Have High-Speed Either at Home or Work Broadband Internet access is increasingly being woven into the work and home lives of Internet users in the United States. According to the February 2004 survey of the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 55% of American Internet users have access to broadband either […]

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    The Veil Controversy: International Perspectives on Religion in Public Life

    3:30-5:30 p.m. Washington, D.C. Speakers: E.J. Dionne, Co-Chair, the Pew Forum, and Senior Fellow, the Brookings Institution Raja Elhabti, Director of Research, Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights Husain Haqqani, Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Justin Vaisse, Affiliated Scholar, Brookings Center on the U.S. and Europe E.J. DIONNE, JR.: It’s great to […]