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Search results for: “divorce”

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    Elections, Katrina and Economy Split the News Agenda

    With the spate of primary races testing the power of the Tea Party movement, the mid-term elections topped the news, but a Katrina anniversary and the faltering economy were close behind. Meanwhile, the New York mosque controversy quieted but didn’t vanish last week.

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    Gulf Coast Oil Spill Grabs Public Attention

    Summary of Findings As a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico spread toward the Louisiana coastline last week, the public focused on the unfolding story of a potential environmental disaster. The spill dominated the public’s consciousness. It was the story people were most likely to say they talked about with friends. The percentage […]

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    The States of Marriage and Divorce

    The proportion of Americans who are currently married has been diminishing for decades and is lower than it has been in at least half a century.