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Search results for: “climate”

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    War Support Slips, Fewer Expect a Successful Outcome

    Summary of Findings Public support for the war in Iraq continues to decline, as a growing number of political independents are turning against the war. Overall, a 53% majority of Americans believe the U.S. should bring its troops home as soon as possible – up five points in the past month and the highest percentage […]

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    International Religious Freedom: Religion and International Diplomacy

    Pew Research Center Ten years ago, the U.S. Congress launched a debate on U.S. international religious freedom policy that ultimately resulted in the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. Foreign policy actors continue to debate how religious freedom – and religion itself – should be factored into U.S. foreign policy. Has the State Department interpreted […]

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    Little Consensus on Global Warming

    Summary of Findings Americans generally agree that the earth is getting warmer, but there is less consensus about the cause of global warming or what should be done about it. Roughly four-in-ten (41%) believe human activity such as burning fossil fuels is causing global warming, but just as many say either that warming has been […]

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    The Future of the Internet II

    A survey of technology thinkers and stakeholders shows they believe the internet will continue to spread in a “flattening” and improving world. There are many, though, who think major problems will accompany technology advances by 2020. A predictions…

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    God’s Country? Evangelicals and U.S. Foreign Policy

    Pew Research Center Washington, D.C. In his recent article in Foreign Affairs, Walter Russell Mead argues that as U.S. evangelicals exert increasing political influence, they are becoming a powerful force in foreign affairs. In recent years, evangelicals have voted overwhelmingly Republican, helping to put conservatives at the helm of U.S. foreign policy, while focusing their […]

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    Are We Happy Yet?

    Some of us are happier than others, and this variance helps to paint a portrait of the kind of people Americans are. It also casts doubt on some of the famous wisdom on the subject.

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    The Biology Wars: The Religion, Science and Education Controversy

    Key West, Florida Some of the nation’s leading journalists gathered in Key West, Florida, in December 2005 for the Pew Forum’s biannual Faith Angle Conference on religion, politics and public life. Conference speaker Edward J. Larson, Talmadge Chair of Law and Russell Professor of American History at the University of Georgia, discussed the history of […]

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    Religion and Security: The New Nexus in International Relations

    10:00am-11:30am Washington, D.C. Speakers: Ambassador Robert A. Seiple (Ret.), Founder and Chairman of the Board, Institute for Global Engagement; co-editor, Religion & Security Colonel Charles P. Borchini, USA (Ret.), Research Fellow, Center for Emerging Threats and Opportunities, USMC Moderator: Dr. Pauletta Otis, Senior Fellow in Religion & International Affairs, Pew Forum on Religion & Public […]

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    Ministering to Those in Need: The Rights and Wrongs of Missions and Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq

    10 a.m. – Noon Washington, D.C. Speakers Dr. Michael Lawrence, Associate Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church Kate Moynihan, Deputy Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa, Catholic Relief Services Dr. Abdulaziz Sachedina, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Virginia; Chairman, Board of Directors, Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy Bruce Wilkinson, Senior […]