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Search results for: “blacks whites”

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    The Faith-Based Initiative Two Years Later: Examining its Potential, Progress and Problems

    “Conceptions of the proper relationship between church and state, between religious organizations and government, have been in flux in the United States for many decades,” Stanley Carlson-Thies of the Center for Public Justice argued at a recent public discussion of the faith-based initiative. “There was no long-settled consensus which the Bush administration arbitrarily started to […]

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    Bush Confronts State of Economic Unease

    Summary of Findings As President Bush prepares for his Jan. 28 State of the Union address, the public’s mood is more subdued that it was a year ago, especially regarding the nation’s struggling economy. Just three-in-ten say they expect economic conditions to improve over the next 12 months, a significant decline from last January when […]

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    Public Makes Distinctions on Genetic Research

    Introduction and Summary The public draws clear lines in assessing complex issues raised by genetic technologies. Americans are united in opposition to human cloning ­ by more than four-to-one (77%-17%), they reject scientific experimentation in this area. There is far less agreement on the question of stem cell research. Half of those who have been […]

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    No Consensus on the Census

    Introduction and Summary Dramatic increases in both the size and ethnic diversity of America’s population, reflected in the 2000 census, are drawing a mixed reaction from the public. Consistent with a long-term rise in favorable attitudes toward immigrants, more people say today’s immigrants are better able to adapt to American life than did so four […]

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    Faith-Based Funding Backed, But Church-State Doubts Abound

    Introduction and Summary As religion plays a more prominent role in public life, sharp divisions of opinion about the mixing of church and state are apparent. Most notably, while the public expresses strong support for the idea of faith-based groups receiving government funding to provide social services, in practice, it has many reservations. Most Americans […]

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    Interdiction and Incarceration Still Top Remedies

    Introduction and Summary The nation’s drug war is viewed as a failure by most Americans, and there is scant hope it will ever succeed. Nearly three-quarters of Americans say we are losing the drug war, and just as many say that insatiable demand will perpetuate the nation’s drug habit. Yet this deep sense of futility […]