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Search results for: “abortion”

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    Different Faiths, Different Messages

    Introduction and Summary Americans Hearing about Iraq from the Pulpit, but Religious Faith Not Defining Opinions Most American churchgoers are hearing about the issue of war with Iraq at their places of worship. But most say their ministers are not taking a position for or against the war, and relatively few people say their own […]

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    Email is now a main channel for politics

    WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 20) – Email has become an increasingly popular and potent tool for political communication in America. Two-thirds of politically engaged Internet users during the 2002 election cycle sent or received email related to the campaign. But campaigners said they had more success using the Net to communicate with the press than with […]

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    Public Wants Proof of Iraqi Weapons Programs

    Summary of Findings A two-thirds majority of the public continues to express qualified support for the idea of using military force to end the rule of Saddam Hussein. But the Bush administration may face a major challenge in winning public support for the use of force if U.N. weapons inspections yield anything less than evidence […]

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    Political Sites Gain, But Major News Sites Still Dominant

    Introduction and Summary More Americans used the Internet to get campaign information in 2002 than during the last midterm election four years ago. While much of this increase has come from the overall growth in the online population, a higher proportion of Internet users sought election news than did so four years ago (22% now, […]

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    Interfaith Panel looks to President’s Bioethics Council to frame public debate

    Panel divided over moral status of human embryo The President’s Council on Bioethics should work to establish a framework for public moral debate and should determine how to make progress in a discussion that is essentially gridlocked over the issue of the moral status of the human embryo, a panel of Christian and Jewish theologians […]

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    Bush Approval on Par, No Tax Cut Momentum

    Introduction and Summary The public’s view of George W. Bush’s first month in office is remarkably unremarkable. Despite the extraordinary path he took to the White House, Americans are reacting to Bush in much the same way they responded to his predecessors. Bush’s modest February job approval rating (53%) is comparable to ratings accorded Bill […]

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    Some Final Observations on Voter Opinions

    Introduction and Summary Overlooked amid controversies over hanging chads and divided courts were some important lessons from the presidential campaign. Here are previously unreleased findings from the Pew Research Center’s post-election survey, conducted Nov. 10-12: There was more positive voting and less voting against candidates this time than in the three previous presidential elections. George […]

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    Campaign Lite

    The first presidential election of the 21st century may go down in history as the moment when campaigning disappeared into private space. Eighty years ago, radio allowed people to hear candidates by their firesides for the first time. Thirty years later, television added pictures, which transform …