Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Asia & the Pacific

(Pew Research Center illustration; all photos Getty Images)

Religion Among Asian Americans

A rising share of Asian Americans say they have no religion (32%), but many consider themselves close to one or more religious traditions for reasons such as family or culture. Christianity is still the largest faith group among Asian Americans (34%).

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives at the G20 leaders' summit in Nusa Dua, Indonesia, in November 2022. (Mast Irham/AFP via Getty Images)

Views of India Lean Positive Across 23 Countries

Across 12 countries, a median of 40% of adults say they have no confidence in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to do the right thing regarding world affairs, while a median of 37% say they have at least some confidence. About eight-in-ten Indians (79%) have a favorable view of Modi, including a 55% majority with a very favorable view.


Buddhism, Islam and Religious Pluralism in South and Southeast Asia

In Thailand, Cambodia and Sri Lanka, more than 90% of Buddhists see strong links between their religion and country. In the neighboring countries of Malaysia and Indonesia, nearly all Muslims say being Muslim is important to being truly part of their nation.

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    Mapping the Global Muslim Population

    A comprehensive demographic study of more than 200 countries finds that there are 1.57 billion Muslims of all ages living in the world today, representing 23% of an estimated 2009 world population of 6.8 billion.

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    Pakistani Public Opinion

    Pakistani public opinion has turned against al Qaeda and the Taliban, and no fewer than 69% of those polled express worry that extremists will take control of the nation. Ratings for President Asif Ali Zardari have also plummeted, as Pakistanis see their country in crisis.

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    Global Public Opinion in the Bush Years (2001-2008)

    Once he takes office, President-elect Barack Obama will have to navigate a world that has grown highly critical of the United States. Since 2001, the Pew Global Attitudes Project has documented a decline in America’s international image amid widespread opposition to U.S. foreign policy.

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    Unfavorable Views of Jews and Muslims on the Increase in Europe

    Growing numbers of people in several major European countries say they have an unfavorable opinion of Jews, and opinions of Muslims also are more negative than they were several years ago. These findings are from a new Pew Global Attitudes Project report, based on data gathered from 24 countries from regions throughout the world, that examine worldwide religiosity and take a close look at Muslim publics’ attitudes toward terrorism, Osama bin Laden, Hamas, Hezbollah and more.