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Search results for: “4”

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    Chance Error and Bill Clinton’s Political Fortunes

    The big difference this week between the CNN/USA/Gallup poll and ABC/WP poll is the first major polling disparity of the ’96 campaign. Gallup’s results indicate that support for the President has tumbled sharply, while the GOP leadership is viewed more favorably than a month ago. In sharp contrast, the ABC/WP poll found no trend away […]

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    Americans Going Online…Explosive Growth, Uncertain Destinations

    Introduction and Summary The number of Americans going online to an information service or directly to the Internet has more than doubled in the past year, but most consumers are still feeling their way through cyberspace. Few see online activities as essential to them, and no single online feature, with the exception of E-Mail, is […]

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    The People, the Press & Politics

    Report Summary Reflecting a dramatically changed environment in America and the world, the voter typology which Times Mirror created in 1987 has been modified to make it more responsive to the new values and attitudes that affect voter behavior in 1994. We present it as “The People, The Press and Politics: The New Political Landscape.” […]

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    The People, the Press & Politics

    Report Summary There are 11 distinct groups in the American electorate — 10 that vote in varying degrees, and one that does not vote at all. How Americans vote is a much more complex process than previously defined. There have been many attempts to analyze political attitudes in this country. Some analysts have focused on […]

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    The American Media: Who Reads, Who Watches, Who Listens, Who Cares

    Report Summary At the beginning of each month the Times Mirror Center for the People and the Press conducts a nationwide survey to monitor public attentiveness to the major news events of the preceding four weeks.   The survey measures how closely the public follows top national and international news stories, obtains public reaction to […]

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    The People & The Press

    Report Overview A year-long investigation, sponsored by Times Mirror, indicates that press supporters in America outnumber critics two to one.  it also show that supporters and critics alike think the press is not free enough from outside influences in the way it reports the news. These conclusions are not the result of any single question […]

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    International News Tops Domestic in Public Interest

    Report Summary Events overseas are overshadowing the importance of domestic news to the public. Americans are ten times more likely to cite an international news story (40%) than a domestic one (4%) as the most important event of the month. This is the fifth month in a row that Americans have named overseas stories more […]