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2004 National Survey of Latinos: Education

  • fact sheet

    Hispanic Attitudes Toward Learning English

    Hispanics by a large margin believe that immigrants have to speak English to be a part of American society and even more so that English should be taught to the children of immigrants.

  • fact sheet

    Pew Hispanic Center/Kaiser Family Foundation National Survey of Latinos

    I. Overview Methodology The Pew Hispanic Center/Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation National Survey of Latinos: Education was conducted by telephone between August 7 and October 15, 2003 among a nationally representative sample of 3,421 adults, 18 years and older, who were selected at random. Representatives of the Pew Hispanic Center and The Kaiser Family Foundation […]

  • report

    2004 National Survey of Latinos: Education

    This is a comprehensive survey of Latino attitudes toward education, public schools and a variety of education issues, including the No Child Left Behind Act.

  • report

    Pew Hispanic Center/Kaiser Family Foundation National Survey Of Latinos

    National Survey of Latinos: Education is a new comprehensive survey of Latino attitudes toward education, public schools and a variety of education issues, including the No Child Left Behind Act. This national survey is released against the backdrop of major changes in the nation’s K-12 system as states and school districts apply sweeping new federal requirements. Conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center and the Kaiser Family Foundation, the survey includes substantial comparison samples of whites and African Americans.

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