Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

List of measures used from previous surveys conducted on the American Trends Panel (ATP) that were used in report

ATP survey wave Field dates Link to original topline Variable name(s) in topline
Measures of media trust and closely related concepts
Confidence that journalists will act in the best interests of the public 40 Nov. 27 to Dec. 10, 2018 Wave 40 topline CONF1b2 (page 67)
Views of news media’s watchdog role 45 Feb. 19 to March 4, 2019 Wave 45 topline WATCHDOG_1 (page 16)
Perceived fairness of news coverage 45 Feb. 19 to March 4, 2019 Wave 45 topline WATCHDOG_3 (page 16)
Loyalty to news sources 45 Feb. 19 to March 4, 2019 Wave 45 topline MEDIALOYAL3 (page 5)
Ethical standards of journalists 46 March 18 to April 1, 2019 Wave 46 topline ETHICS1c (page 1)
Trust in the information from national news organizations 51 July 8 to July 21, 2019 Wave 51 topline GROUP_TRUSTa (page 2)
Measures for the analysis of what connects with media trust
Approval of President Donald Trump’s job performance 48 April 29 to May 13, 2019 Wave 48 topline POL1DT (page 76); POL1DTSTR (page 76)
Political knowledge (part of political awareness index) 45 Feb. 19 to March 4, 2019 Wave 45 topline KNOW1-2 (page 17); HOUCONTR (page 17)
News seeking (part of news engagement index) 45 Feb. 19 to March 4, 2019 Wave 45 topline SEEK (page 5)
Index of trust in other people 40 Nov. 27 to Dec. 10, 2018 Wave 40 topline SOCTRUST2 (page 65); GSSTRUST2 (page 65); GSSTRUST3 (page 65)
Happiness with life 36 June 19 to July 2, 2018 Wave 36 topline HAPPYLIFE (page 1)
Life satisfaction 32 Feb. 26 to March 11, 2018 Wave 32 topline SATLIFEa-c,e (page 1-2)
Perception of current financial situation 32 Feb. 26 to March 11, 2018 Wave 32 topline INC (page 4)
Perception of future financial situation 32 Feb. 26 to March 11, 2018 Wave 32 topline INCFUTURE (page 4)
Preferred pathway for news 45 Feb. 19 to March 4, 2019 Wave 45 topline NEWSPREFV2 (page 2)

“Trusting the News Media in the Trump Era”

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