Satisfaction with democracy has declined in recent years in high-income nations
Many worldwide are dissatisfied with how democracy is working. In several high-income democracies, dissatisfaction has been on the rise since 2021.
Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World
Many worldwide are dissatisfied with how democracy is working. In several high-income democracies, dissatisfaction has been on the rise since 2021.
In 2022, there were 63.7 million Hispanics living in the United States. The U.S. Hispanic population has diverse origins in Latin America and Spain.
One-in-ten U.S. adults have heard of the alternative social media site Gettr, and only 1% say they regularly get news there.
Americans increasingly say gender is determined by one’s sex assigned at birth, but they differ by religion on this and other transgender issues.
About seven-in-ten say young adults today have a harder time when it comes to saving for the future, paying for college and buying a home.
Negative views of Vladimir Putin are at or near historic highs, with a median of 22% saying they have confidence in him to do the right thing in world affairs.
No more than half of Americans say they think solar geoengineering and cloud seeding would make a difference in reducing the effects of climate change.
U.S. adults are the least confident in Biden out of 17 publics surveyed and among the least confident in Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.
Americans’ views on foreign policy priorities differ based on a number of factors, including their attitudes toward international engagement.
As the U.S. battles COVID-19, effective contact tracing has proven to be a major challenge for those trying to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
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