Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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    As Hagel Fight Begins, Wide Partisan Differences in Support for Israel

    For decades, the public has sympathized more with Israel than the Palestinians in the Middle East conflict. However, the partisan gap in sympathies, while little changed in recent years, is as large as it has been in more than three decades of polling. Discussion of the U.S.-Israeli relationship is likely to come to the fore […]

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    Obama Viewed as Fiscal Cliff Victor; Legislation Gets Lukewarm Reception

    Overview Barack Obama is viewed as the clear political winner in the fiscal cliff negotiations, but the legislation itself gets only a lukewarm reception from the public: As many disapprove as approve of the new tax legislation, and more say it will have a negative than positive impact on the federal budget deficit, the national […]

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    Arts Organizations and Digital Technologies

    Cultural organizations like theater companies, orchestras, and art museums are using the internet, social media, and mobile apps to draw in and engage audiences, provide deeper context around art, and disseminate their work beyond the stage and th…