Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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    New Pew Forum Survey of Mormons in America

    Washington, D.C. —In a 10 a.m. EST conference call for journalists on Thursday, Jan. 12,2012, the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life willdiscuss the findings from a major new comprehensive survey, Mormons in America: Certain in Their Beliefs but Uncertain of TheirPlace in Society. Conducted between Oct. 25 and Nov. 16, 2011, among […]

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    Six Telling Findings from the Iowa Caucuses

    Here are several findings from polling of voters on the day of the Iowa caucuses that may — or may not — prove to be important as the GOP race moves on to New Hampshire and beyond.  Romney Gets 1% of “True Conservative” Voters.  A quarter of Iowa caucus voters said the most important candidate […]

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    The Santorum Surge Story Comes True

    In the days before Iowans finally caucused, the news media were most focused on the shifting horse race that foreshadowed Rick Santorum’s strong late showing, according to a PEJ analysis of the leading themes in the Iowa press narrative.

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    Religion and the 2012 Iowa Republican Caucuses

    Polling conducted as voters entered the 2012 Iowa caucuses shows a clear split between born-again evangelical Christians, who favored Rick Santorum, and other voters, who favored Mitt Romney.