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Search results for: “immigration”

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    Being Christian in Western Europe

    The majority of Europe’s Christians are non-practicing, but they differ from religiously unaffiliated people in their views on God, attitudes toward Muslims and immigrants, and opinions about religion’s role in society.

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    Être chrétien en Europe de l’Ouest

    L’Europe de l’Ouest, berceau du protestantisme et cœur du catholicisme durant la plus grande partie de son histoire, est maintenant l’une des régions les moins religieuses dans le monde. Bien que la vaste majorité des adultes soient baptisés, nombre d’entre eux ne se décrivent pas comme étant chrétiens. Certains disent s’être peu à peu éloignés […]

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    Croissance de la population musulmane en Europe

    Les projections prévoient une augmentation du pourcentage de musulmans dans la population européenne, même sans migrations ultérieures. Ces dernières années, l’Europe a connu un afflux record de demandeurs d’asile fuyant les conflits que connaissent la Syrie et d’autres pays à majorité musulmane. Cette vague de migrants musulmans a suscité dans de nombreux pays des débats […]

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    Orthodox Christianity in the 21st Century

    Concentrated in Europe, Orthodox Christians have declined as share of the global Christian population, from 20% in 1910 to 12% today. But the Ethiopian community is highly observant and growing.

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    Concerns About Religious Extremism in Boston Bombings Suspects’ Homelands

    A new Pew Research Center survey finds high levels of concern about religious extremism among Muslims living in the North Caucasus area of Russia and the neighboring Central Asian countries of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. It also finds that most Muslims in the region reject violence against civilians.

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    Muslim Networks and Movements in Western Europe

    Introduction Over the past two decades, the number of Muslims living in Western Europe has steadily grown, rising from less than 10 million in 1990 to approximately 17 million in 2010.[1. Figures are from a forthcoming Pew Forum report that estimates growth rates among Muslim populations worldwide and provides population projections for 2020 and 2030. […]