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Search results for: “Immigration”

  • fact sheet

    Unauthorized Immigrants in Italy

    An estimated 500,000 to 700,000 unauthorized immigrants lived in Italy in 2017, up from 300,000 to 500,000 in 2014, according to new Pew Research Center estimates based on the latest available data.

  • fact sheet

    Hispanics and Arizona’s New Immigration Law

    More Americans believe that Hispanics are the targets of a lot of discrimination in American society than say the same about any other major racial or ethnic group, according to a survey taken prior to the enactment of an immigration enforcement law by the state of Arizona.

  • fact sheet

    The Blaine Game: Controversy Over the Blaine Amendments and Public Funding of Religion

    In June 2008, a church-state watchdog organization and several other groups filed a lawsuit in Florida seeking to remove from the state’s November ballot two proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution. The proposed amendments, if passed, would eliminate legal obstacles that currently prevent Florida from funding religious schools. One of the proposed amendments would permit […]

  • fact sheet

    School Graduations, Religion and the Courts

    Spring is the season for school graduations, and graduation ceremonies play a featured role in the national debate over the place of religion in public education. Is a clergyman’s benediction at a public school event a violation of the separation of church and state? Can students lead a prayer at their school commencement? In a […]

  • fact sheet

    Hispanic Health: Divergent and Changing

    Latinos are in good health relative to most other Americans. Their favorable health does not stem from better access to medical care. In fact, many lack health insurance and regular care.

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