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    How the Public Perceives Romney, Mormons

    On Thursday, Dec. 6, Mitt Romney delivered a speech addressing his Mormon faith and the role of religion in public life. Recent polling from the Pew Research Center1 finds that Romney, more than any other presidential candidate (Republican or Democrat), is viewed as very religious by the public. This perception is, for the most part, […]

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    Pope Benedict XVI on the Church’s Role in Public Life

    The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life has collected a variety of resources on Pope Benedict XVI’s views on public policy issues. The resources include links to his homilies and other writings on such issues as social justice, the participation of Catholics in political life, proposals to give legal recognition to same-sex unions, and […]

  • transcript

    Evangelicals and the Public Square

    Washington, D.C. That evangelicals have become an important political constituency is not news, but two new books probe behind the headlines to reveal both the hidden tensions and unsung successes of a movement that is about far more than just swing votes. Sociologist Michael Lindsay in his book, Faith in the Halls of Power: How […]

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    Young White Evangelicals: Less Republican, Still Conservative

    by Dan Cox, Research Associate White evangelical Protestants have been one of the most faithful Republican constituencies in presidential elections in recent years, voting overwhelmingly for GOP candidates. In 2004, for example, 79% of white evangelicals supported President Bush, while just 21% supported his Democratic opponent, John Kerry. White evangelicals also accounted for a third […]

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    Public Expresses Mixed Views of Islam, Mormonism

    September 25, 2007 Section 1: Opinions about Muslims and Islam Section 2: Views of Mormons and Mormonism Section 3: Opinions about Pope Benedict XVI About the Survey The Muslim and Mormon religions have gained increasing national visibility in recent years. Yet most Americans say they know little or nothing about either religion’s practices, and large […]

  • report

    Public Expresses Mixed Views of Islam, Mormonism

    Summary of Findings The Muslim and Mormon religions have gained increasing national visibility in recent years. Yet most Americans say they know little or nothing about either religion’s practices, and large majorities say that their own religion is very different from Islam and the Mormon religion. A new national survey reveals some notable similarities, as […]

  • short reads

    Hispanic Catholics Who are Pentecostals or Charismatics

    A majority (54%) of Latino Catholics in the United States identify with renewalist Christianity, meaning they describe themselves as charismatic or pentecostal; the proportion is still higher among Hispanic Protestants (57%).