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Election 2010

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    Few Say Religion Shapes Immigration, Environment Views

    Many Americans continue to say their religious beliefs have been highly influential in shaping their views about social issues, including abortion and same-sex marriage. But far fewer cite religion as a top influence on their opinions about several other social and political issues, including how the government should deal with immigration, the environment and poverty. […]

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    Arizona Politics Get ‘Dirty’: Ben Quayle’s Website Controversy

    Politics in Arizona’s 3rd congressional district sure are getting “Dirty.” Jon Hulburd, the Democratic candidate in the district, recently released a radio spot on three Christian radio stations and a conservative talk radio station accusing his Republican opponent, Ben Quayle, of contributing to, a racy website about Arizona nightlife, according to Politico.  In the […]

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    Candidates and Their Supporters Use YouTube Videos to Appeal to Religious Voters

    Some subtle references to religion have cropped up in YouTube videos posted by or on behalf of several candidates this election season. James Lankford, a first-time candidate for office who ran a Baptist youth camp for 13 years, won the Republican nomination for Oklahoma’s 5th congressional district after the primary runoff on Aug. 24, as […]

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    Growing Number of Americans Say Obama is a Muslim

    Overview A substantial and growing number of Americans say that Barack Obama is a Muslim, while the proportion saying he is a Christian has declined. More than a year and a half into his presidency, a plurality of the public says they do not know what religion Obama follows. A new national survey by the […]

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    Abortion: Primary Hot-Button Issue

    Abortion has been a hot-button issue in the primaries this summer, fueling negative campaigning in several races. In Georgia’s Aug. 10 Republican primary runoff, former congressman Nathan Deal narrowly defeated former Georgia secretary of state Karen Handel towin the GOP’s nomination for governor after a heated series of exchanges over abortion, the AP reported.  According […]

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    God & Guns

    God and guns seem to be popular themes in 2010 campaign ads, sometimes popping up in close proximity. Before losing in the Republican runoff in Alabama’s 2nd congressional district, candidate Rick Barber garnered national attention for this campaign video featuring a portrayal of George Washington rapping his fingers next to a Bible and what appears […]

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    Candidates View the Separation of Church and State from Different Angles

    Two Republican candidates in key U.S. Senate races have stirred controversy by questioning whether there ought to be separation between church and state in America. Nevada Republican candidate Sharron Angle declared in 1995, according tominutes from a meeting of the Nevada Assembly Committee on Education, that “the separation of church and state is an unconstitutional […]

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    A Mosque in the Middle

    The proposed construction of a mosque in the middle of Tennessee has produced a sharp exchange of words between candidates for an open congressional seat. In May, the Rutherford County Regional Planning Commission approved the construction of a 52,000-square-foot facility to house a mosque and Islamic center in Murfreesboro. More than 600 residents turned out […]

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    Alabama Recap: Byrne’d for His Beliefs?

    Updated July 14, 2010 In the Alabama Republican gubernatorial primary, one candidate’s religious beliefs – especially on creationism and whether the Bible is to be taken literally – took center stage. Questions about Bradley Byrne’s beliefs arose after the Press-Register, a local paper, quoted him in November 2009 as saying, “I think there are parts […]