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    Biology Wars

    Download the Discussion Read the original Transcript The current legal and political battles surrounding the teaching of evolution in American schools are part of an 80-year-old debate stretching back to the summer of 1925 and the famous Scopes “monkey” trial in Dayton, Tennessee. Now, as then, the fight reflects deep divisions within the country over […]

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    A Barometer of Modern Morals

    These edicts represent the collective judgment of the American public when asked to assess the moral dimensions of different kinds of behaviors.

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    First Anniversary of the Death of Terri Schiavo

    Pew Forum and Pew Research Center Resources on End-of-Life Issues This month marks the first anniversary of the death of Terri Schiavo, the severely brain-damaged Florida woman whose medical condition led to an emotional public debate over end-of-life issues. Schiavo died on March 31, 2005, after state courts repeatedly affirmed the right of her husband […]

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    Who’s Feeling Rushed?

    Overall, about a quarter of all adults in this country say they always feel rushed, while a majority of Americans sometimes feel rushed and about a quarter almost never feel rushed.

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    Are We Happy Yet?

    Some of us are happier than others, and this variance helps to paint a portrait of the kind of people Americans are. It also casts doubt on some of the famous wisdom on the subject.


Signature Reports

A photo that shows Orlando Utility Commission's Stanton Solar Farm outside Orlando, Florida, in September 2021. In the distance is the utility's Stanton Energy Center, powered by coal and natural gas.

Americans Largely Favor U.S. Taking Steps To Become Carbon Neutral by 2050

Majorities of Americans say the United States should prioritize the development of renewable energy sources and take steps toward the country becoming carbon neutral by the year 2050. But just 31% want to phase out fossil fuels completely, and many foresee unexpected problems in a major transition to renewable energy.