Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


  • report

    Growing Interest in Swine Flu, Many See Press Overstating its Danger

    Summary of Findings As the first vials of swine flu vaccine make their way into American communities, public interest in news about the disease is increasing. Nearly as many people now cite swine flu as their top news story of the week as mention the health care debate – the first time in several months […]

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    Email and Nobel Dominate the Blogs

    For much of the week, news of an email scam that compromised thousands of passwords animated the blogosphere. Late in the week, however, the focus shifted abruptly to Barack Obama’s surprising Nobel Peace Prize. On YouTube, meanwhile, a Letterman mea culpa drew the most hits.

  • report

    The States of Marriage and Divorce

    The proportion of Americans who are currently married has been diminishing for decades and is lower than it has been in at least half a century.