Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World


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    Broad Support for Political Compromise in Washington

    Summary of Findings A survey conducted in association with National Public Radio A large majority of the American public thinks the country is more politically polarized than in the past, and an even greater number expresses a strong desire for political compromise. Fully three-quarters say they like political leaders who are willing to compromise, compared […]

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    Nature, Crime, and Politics Challenge Iraq in the News

    The continuing debate over the president’s strategy for Iraq kept that subject atop PEJ’s News Coverage Index for the week of January 14-19. But the tale of kidnapped Missouri boys, a nasty blast of winter, and the Barack Obama bandwagon also generated major coverage in a busy and varied news week.

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    Talk Shows Battle it Out Over the “Surge” Strategy

    While the President’s plan to commit 22,000 more troops to Iraq dominated the media agenda last week, it was an even bigger story in the radio and cable talk show universe, according to the first edition of the new PEJ Talk Show Index. From Rush Limbaugh to Keith Olbermann, talk hosts across the political spectrum weighed in on the surge, mirroring the raging debate in Washington and throughout the country.