Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

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    Today’s Journalists Less Prominent

    Summary of Findings The increasingly fragmented media landscape has diminished the prominence of the nation’s top journalists. Two decades ago, the vast majority of Americans had a “favorite” journalist or news person, and the top picks were representatives of the big three broadcast television networks. Today, only a slim majority can name the journalist they […]

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    Religion A Strength And Weakness For Both Parties

    Summary of Findings Both major political parties have a problem with their approach toward religion, in the eyes of many Americans. More than four-in-ten say that liberals who are not religious have too much control over the Democratic Party, while an almost identical percentage says that religious conservatives have too much influence over the Republican […]

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    Disengaged Public Leans Against Changing Filibuster Rules

    Summary of Findings As the Senate prepares for a showdown on the use of the filibuster against some of President Bush’s judicial nominees, the issue remains mostly off the public’s radar. But public opinion ­ especially among the roughly one-third of the public who has paid at least fairly close attention to the issue ­ […]

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    III. The Activists, the Media and the Internet

    Heavy News Consumers Among the most distinguishing characteristics of Dean activists is their intense interest in the news. Not only are they far more avid consumers of news than the general public but the sources they consult follow a substantially different pattern. Like many Americans, Dean activists pick the daily newspaper as their single most […]