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Search results for: “teens and online privacy report”

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    Predicting the future on the Web’s 25th anniversary

    Asked to predict how technology will change over the next decade, hundreds of experts agree that trends now underway will make the internet more important even as it becomes less visible in daily life.

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    Our latest research on teens and technology

    We’ve published several new reports on teens (ages 12-17) and technology over the past few months, with lots of great findings based on our nationally representative surveys as well as insights from in-person focus groups.

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    Where Teens Seek Online Privacy Advice

    Teens often rely on themselves and the guidance they get from the websites they use to figure out how to manage their privacy online—but when they do seek advice, they go primarily to peers and parents.

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    Teens, Social Media, and Privacy

    Youth are sharing more personal information on their profiles than in the past. They choose private settings for Facebook, but share with large networks of friends.