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    In Focus: Mormonism in Modern America

    Two Leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Discuss the Tenets of Their Faith and its Role in Today’s Political Life The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is increasingly in the spotlight, thanks in part to Mitt Romney’s campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. Attention has also come from television […]

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    Religion in a Globalizing World

    Key West, Florida Some of the nation’s leading journalists and distinguished scholars gathered in Key West, Fla., in December 2006 for the Pew Forum’s biannual Faith Angle Conference on religion, politics and public life. Peter Berger, professor emeritus of religion, sociology and theology at Boston University, examined the globalization of religious pluralism and how the […]

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    Myths of the Modern Megachurch

    Key West, Florida Some of the nation’s leading journalists gathered in Key West, Florida, in May 2005 for the Pew Forum’s biannual Faith Angle conference on religion, politics and public life. Conference speaker Rick Warren, pastor of the largest church in America, addressed misconceptions many Americans have about mega-churches. He also discussed his best-selling book, […]

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    God and Foreign Policy: The Religious Divide Between the U.S. and Europe

    10:00-11:30 a.m. Washington, D.C. Featured Speaker: Andrew Kohut, Director, the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press Respondents: Craig Kennedy, President, German Marshall Fund Justin Vaisse, Visiting Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, Center on the U.S. and France, the Brookings Institution Moderator: E.J. Dionne Jr., Co-Chair, the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life; […]

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    Remembering September 11th: What is the Truth that has been Revealed to Us?

    7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. New York, New York Featuring: Jean Bethke Elshtain, Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, the University of Chicago Fred Dings, the University of South Carolina E.J. Dionne, Jr., Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, the Brookings Institution, Washington Post James Forbes, Riverside Church Aasma Khan, Muslims Against Terrorism […]

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    The Compassion Component: Welfare Reform and the Tradition of Social Justice

    10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. National Press Club Washington, D.C. Panelists: Ken Connor, President, Family Research Council Ron Haskins, Senior Advisor for Welfare Policy at the Domestic Policy Council of the White House Sharon Parrott, Co-director of Federal TANF Policy, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Jim Skillen, President, Center for Public Justice Roberto Suro, […]

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    The Role of Religion in Public Life (New York)

    12:00 – 1:30 p.m. New York, New York E.J. DIONNE: I’d like to welcome everyone to this discussion and celebration of our book, Sacred Places, Civic Purposes: Should Government Help Faith-Based Charity? We are blessed to have so many wonderful people with us today at this discussion sponsored by the Brookings Institution and the Pew […]