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Search results for: “social media”

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    Campaign Lite

    The first presidential election of the 21st century may go down in history as the moment when campaigning disappeared into private space. Eighty years ago, radio allowed people to hear candidates by their firesides for the first time. Thirty years later, television added pictures, which transform …

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    A Year After Columbine Public Looks To Parents More Than Schools To Prevent Violence

    Introduction and Summary A year after the massacre at Colorado’s Columbine High School, the vast majority of the public believes it is the responsibility of parents to ensure that such tragedies are not repeated. In fact, a plurality identifies poor parenting — not peer pressure or violence in the media — as the primary cause […]

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    Pew Charitable Trusts Backs Research Examining The Internet

    Philadelphia—(February 29, 2000)–The Pew Charitable Trusts announced today that a $5.9 million grant has been made to create a research center that will explore the impact of the Internet on American society. Unlike other research centers that focus on e-commerce and other business applications on the Web, Pew’s Internet and American Life Project will study […]

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    Third Party Chances Limited

    Introduction and Summary The prospects for a third party presidential candidate appear dim. Americans are reasonably satisfied with the existing field of candidates for the 2000 presidential election, and overwhelming numbers say they would not consider voting for outsiders Jesse Ventura or Ross Perot. Three-in-four people say they would be satisfied with a contest between […]

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    It’s Still Too Early for the Voters

    Introduction and Summary The early presidential primary season may have front-loaded candidate announcements, political advertising and the media roadshow, but it’s all background noise to the average American voter. Nearly two-thirds of the public is paying little or no attention to the 2000 election, and knowledge of the presidential candidates and opinions about them are […]

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    The Internet News Audience Goes Ordinary

    Introduction and Summary The Internet audience is not only growing, it is getting decidedly mainstream. Two years ago, when just 23% of Americans were going online, stories about technology were the top news draw. Today, with 41% of adults using the Internet, the weather is the most popular online news attraction. Increasingly people without college […]

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    Senate Trial: Little Viewership, Little Impact

    Introduction and Summary President Clinton’s impeachment trial has neither engaged the attention of the American public nor changed its mind about the continuance of his presidency. The public gives Clinton high marks for his job performance, expresses satisfaction with the state of the nation and registers even more contentment with their own lives than just […]