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Search results for: “race”

  • report

    Shades of Belonging

    The findings of this study suggest that Hispanics see race as a measure of belonging, and whiteness as a measure of inclusion, or of perceived inclusion.

  • fact sheet

    The Hispanic Electorate in 2004

    The rapid growth of the Latino population has been a subject of intense public attention since the 2000 Census reported a 58% increase over the 1990 total and later Census Bureau estimates concluded that Hispanics had surpassed African Americans in number.

  • fact sheet

    Health Care Experiences

    This survey brief examines Latinos’ experiences with health care in the United States. Topics discussed include coverage, accessing health care services, and communicating with health care providers.

  • fact sheet

    Generational Differences

    This survey brief explores the differences in demographics, attitudes and experiences of first, second and third generation or higher Latinos. It also looks at “generation one and a half,” those Latinos who arrived in the United States before age 10.

  • report

    2003 Multilingual Survey Of California Voters

    The California electorate is sharply split along racial and ethnic lines with Latino, African American, Asian American and white voters expressing distinctly different views of the recall, of Gov. Gray Davis’ performance in office, of the candidates seeking to replace him and of the racial classification initiative (Proposition 54).