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Search results for: “race”

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    News Interest In Afghanistan Surges

    Summary of Findings The public took a renewed interest in the war in Afghanistan last week as President Obama unveiled plans to send more troops there while vowing to start bringing them home in 2011. Still, as many people say they talked with friends about Tiger Woods’ troubles as Afghanistan. More than four-in-ten (43%) say […]

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    Afghanistan and a Charge of Racism Lead the Blogs

    Bloggers last week returned to two issues that generated interest in recent weeks. For the second time in a month, Afghanistan led the news in the blogosphere. And musician Dave Matthews sparked a second round of heated online debate with some comments about racism. On Twitter, for this week at least, the focus moved beyond Twitter itself.

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    Health Care, Afghanistan Emerge as the Summer’s Big Stories

    The fight over health care legislation continued to dominate the news, but with a narrative twist that was tough on Barack Obama. And a crucial election kept the spotlight on Afghanistan, a conflict increasingly showing up in the headlines.

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    Obamamania Abroad

    The Candidate Can Expect a Warm Welcome in Europe, Not So in the Middle East