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Search results for: “polls”

  • report

    Pew Forum Poll: Public Support Hinges On Details of Government/Faith-Based Cooperation

    The report released today by the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives analyzes current government policy toward faith-based and other community social service providers—a topic of great public interest and debate. Pew Forum polling has shown that while the public expresses strong support for the idea of faith-based groups receiving government funding to […]

  • report

    Death Penalty Cases Stir Debate, Uncover Religious Differences

    The scheduled executions of U.S. federal prisoners for the first time in nearly four decades, as well as the recent Supreme Court decision overturning the death sentence of a mentally retarded prisoner, have once again brought debate over capital punishment into the American public square. In light of recent events, the Pew Forum on Religion […]

  • report

    Religious Perspectives Differ On Research and Human Cloning

    In response to the recent introduction of legislation in Congress to prohibit human cloning, the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life hosted a “rapid response” discussion of religious perspectives on the issue. Forum Co-Chair Jean Bethke Elshtain explained that the purpose was to allow scientific experts “to address the ethical underpinnings their own religious […]