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Search results for: “polls”

  • report

    The Public, Their Doctors, and Health Care Reform

    REPORT SUMMARY Two-thirds of America’s doctors prescribe fundamental reform for the health care system of this country, and they seem ready to swallow a pill they have rejected for generations — significant outside control of medicine. A nationwide survey of medical doctors by the Times Mirror Center for the People and the Press found 58% responding […]

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    Thomas Court Appointment Stirs Large Interest

    Report Summary The nomination of Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court and stories relating to the condition of the economy were the most closely followed news events of the past four weeks. Thirty-five percent of the public said they were following news about the economy very closely and 33% said they were following news […]

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    Clinton Bounce Begins

    Report Summary On the eve of the Democratic Convention, Governor Bill Clinton has taken a giant step toward improving his personal image. A Times Mirror poll conducted on Wednesday and Thursday evening of this week finds 59% of the voting age public having a favorable impression of the Democratic candidate VS. 34% unfavorable. This is […]

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    GOP Collects Big War Dividend

    Report Summary The military victory in the Gulf has positioned Republicans to establish the GOP as the dominant national political party. The latest nationwide survey by the Times Mirror Center For The People & The Press finds more Americans calling themselves Republicans than Democrats and shows the GOP with a 10 percentage point lead in […]

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    Clinton’s Press Judged as Less Fair than Bush’s and Reagan’s

    REPORT SUMMARY Many Americans think the press is being unfair to Bill Clinton, and the public most often complains that the media has come to an earlier judgment about this President’s performance than it did about his predecessors. But the public does not blame the press for being too critical of Bill Clinton, nor for causing […]